Saturday, May 16, 2009

Photography competition success

2008 Arlington Heights Almanac Photo Contest Winners
In November 2008 I entered three of my photos into the Arlington Heights Almanac photo contest. This publication has a circulation of around 80,000 city residents, and the competition was judged by three professional photographers in the NW Chicago land area.

Imagine my delight, when I opened up the January (first quarter of 2009) edition and found that one of my most treasured photos had earned its self first place in the action category!

Category 2 - Action
Winner: Charlotte Bellamy

From the panel: 
Personally, I love everything about this shot (the rest of the panel did, too). Composition is wonderful, and the action is clear. We liked how the child is through more than half of the photo, so you see not only where he is running to, but also where he's been. Lighting is perfect—if you look at the sha

dows, you can tell the shot was taken in late afternoon, which is a perfect time for flattering lighting on people.

Action category web page

Category 1 - Overall composition
Entry: Charlotte Bellamy

From the panel:
This is a classic shot and an excellent example of using the rule of thirds and a diagonal (very powerful for composition). Great job! This photo didn't make the final list not because there is anything wrong with the photo, but the others were just a bit more interesting.

Overall composition web page

Category 3 - Perspective

Entry: Charlotte Bellamy

We are so glad that you have found a way to capture the type of photo you've always wanted! This is a beautiful shot, illustrating the soft, gentle eye of a horse. Depth of field is perfect, too. 

Perspective category web page

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